Backyard Aquaponics for Beginners Guide

Want to learn how to grow fish & veggies in your own backyard?
This value-packed guide contains over 4 hours of video tutorials and detailed downloads that will show you how!
This Online Interactive Guide Includes -
When you buy the guide for US$19.95 that also includes ALL MATERIAL added in the future such as the downloadable PDFs that accompany many of the modules in the guide.
The downloadables contain more content than could be fit into the video modules to help you better understand the concepts needed to run a successful Backyard Aquaponics System.
What is Aquaponics & How It Works ✔
How to Build Your Own System & Components ✔
Voice & Text Search Functions ✔
Direct Advice from Rob ✔
Translated (Vocal & Text) into 4 Languages ✔
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Subjects covered -
What is Aquaponics & How Does it Work?
Starting an Aquaponics System
Aquaponics System Design - 9 Essential Components
3 Easy Backyard Aquaponics Builds
Chop & Flip IBC Aquaponics Build
Cycling An Aquaponics System
How Many Fish? - Fish to Grow Bed Ratio
Setting Up Aquaponics Grow Bed & Selecting Rocks
5 Common Aquaponics Mistakes
How Bell Siphons Work & Building One
Bell Siphon 101
How Radial Flow Settlers Work & Sizing
Building a Radial Flow Settler
Solids Filter For Aquaponic Systems
DIY 12V BackUp Air System For Aquaponic Systems
Releasing Fingerlings Into Aquaponics System
Aquaponics System Update
Compost Worms in Aquaponics
Pest Control in Aquaponics
Nutrient Supplements for Aquaponics Systems
Harvesting Fish from the Aquaponic System
My Aquaponics Adventures
Over a decade ago, I stumbled across a story on a frugal living forum about a bloke that would go barramundi (Asian sea bass) fishing from a deck chair on his back patio.
He didn’t live on a crocodile-infested creek in North Queensland or on a boat but in a house in suburban Brisbane on a block almost half the size of ours.
His small backyard was filled with two sizeable cut-down Colorbond rainwater tanks filled with fish, and many grow beds growing lush greenery that was waiting to be served beside some tasty barbequed fish.
Now at that point, we had grown a small amount of food using hydroponics and was very impressed with all we had produced. After reading about this chap’s successes and failures, I was sold on having a crack at this “fish powered hydroponics” game.

Over the following years, I picked up quite a bit of experience building, running and consulting on backyard aquaponic systems. The progress of our own systems, as well as any tips and tricks I've picked up along the way, have been passed on to others via our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
While social media is a great way to get the word out there to encourage folks to grow their own food, I felt an online guide would be better at delivering more detailed information that was hard to share through those platforms.
I do hope you find the guide helpful in creating your own backyard Aquaponics system from which you can share your many harvests with friends & family.
Cheers folks & Happy Growing